LeeWay Is...
A Way For Every Student To Succeed
Imagine building a high school just for you! LeeWay curates individual degree plans around your life. No busywork, no academic stress, and no social pressure. Just success! We target college & career readiness by eliminating every redundant class your old school required and replacing it with college credits and career internships. On top of stress-free classes, we position each student for college admissions and scholarships. Students love LeeWay and universities absolutely love our students! -Limited openings-
LeeWay Is...
Global - Local | Online - In Person
Our students live anywhere & school everywhere. Choose classes online, in-person, self-paced, live instruction, group, or one-on-one. Students may test out of classes, sit for AP exams, or earn college credit. Each student's program is tailor-made to their situation and needs. Courses are designed to optimize learning and impress college admissions while adhering to state regulations for honors graduation. Parents have control but we are with you every step of the way. We remove the intimidation from parent-controlled education.
LeeWay Is..
Accepted By NCAA & Top Colleges
LeeWay is an independent high school operating under Texas alternative school law. The parent or guardian is the school authority. LeeWay is trained staff, guidance, documentation, classes, testing extracurriculars, and vetted partnerships for your success. Our coursework has been accepted by Princeton, West Point, Cornell, USAF, Oxford, & many more. We handle all NCAA documentation and help students participate in National Merit, National Language Exams, the AP Scholar Program & Dual Credit (college credits in HS!).
LeeWay Is..
Uniquely Affordable
Monthly tuition covers: Course Guidance, Document Officiation, Class Enrollments, Test Planning, Resume Development, Volunteerism, Clubs, and Honor Societies, Aptitude Testing, and tons of Vetted Resources. Additional à la carte services include: Tutoring, College Applications, Essay Editing, and Scholarship work,. LeeWay consistently produces well-rounded graduates who are prepared for college, career, and life success. Skip the busywork and enjoy learning again!
Dallas Residents complete college classes for free!